This year our family decided to be commitment free during the summer. After a busy school year it is time to unwind with some unstructured free-time. No summer camps, sports, productions or classes for our lot this year. Just food, family, friends and fun.
1. Get out and about- visit one of our 12 picks for summer fun in Kansas City
2.Be intentional about play- spend time together playing, crafting, or learning
3.Get outside- enjoy that beautiful backyard in a new way
4. Cook- make and enjoy a special treat together
You've all seen those crazy busy summer plans floating around Blogland right? The tediously detailed summer-at-home camps that are designed to keep the day so very full that those precious little ones can't possibly have the time to irritate you with a declaration of "I'm bored!". What about the schedules that give all the days of the week cute little names and rules like "Make Something Monday" and "What's Cooking Wednesday"...It's cute, but it's unnecessary. It's okay to be bored sometimes. It's okay to respond with "not a thing" when a Mommy friend asks what you have planned for the day. You don't have to have every moment of the day planned to have an awesome summer.
We're ditching the rules, leaving the Mommy Summer Camps and Summer Schedules for Kids of Pinterest behind, and trying something different with the hope of creating a restful atmosphere for EVERYONE during these wonderful lazy summer days. Won't you join us? Say goodbye to the drive to be constantly busy. Say hello to a peaceful summer enjoying your family AND having a blast together. By all means, make plans to do fun things with your crew this summer, just remember that summer is about the little moments that happen amid the plans. :)
I've had several people ask me to share the activities I have planned for our summer so be on the lookout for posts in the coming days that round up our favorite Kansas City summer attractions, outside play ideas, yummy food that we want to try, and how we plan to be intentional about time spent playing together this summer.
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